Oxford Options Poetry Group

This is the first poem that the group wrote. It followed on from a previous session where we just brainstormed the theme of summer – taking one memory and letting it lead on to the next.

Garden on a Summers Day

A summer scent of grass clippings,
The earthy smell of freshly turned soil,
Lavender clippings in a vase.
The sounds of birds and bees rustling in the trees,
Little blue butterflies gliding through the air – buddleia bound.
The daffodils of spring are gone,
Now the summer has arrived – full of colour and fragrant roses
The garden is tranquil;
We are relaxing in the shade on the soft green grass,
Yellow flowers against the clear blue sky,
Chrysanthemums, asters, dahlias, geraniums, snapdragons and daisies
Tall lilies and gladioli-waving in the breeze
But all things must pass so a sad goodbye to a beautiful summer,
And a warm hello to a fruitful autumn.

By Doreen, Lily, Olive, Constance, Bridget, Margaret, Joan, Dani, Roger and Helen

This next one was a surprise. It did not start out as a Rap, but that is the way it ended up.

Autumn Rap

You can’t put your washing out to dry.
You can’t put your washing –
You can’t put your washing –
You can’t put your washing out to dry.

Guess that I will have to bake a pie.
Damsons, pears, elderflower wine,
Crab apple jelly, chutney’s fine.
Polish the conkers, make them shine.

Days getting darker, clocks going back.
“Please put a penny in the old man’s hat”
Smoke curls up from the chimney stack,
Bats in the bonfire – how about that!

Sparklers, Catherine wheels, rockets fly.
Don’t forget to dress the guy,
Trousers, waistcoat, shirt and tie.
Now the fireworks light up the sky.

Back to the house for food and wine.
Back to the house –
Back to the house –
Back to the house for food and wine!

By Doreen, Joan, Chris, Dinah, Margaret, Olive, Roger and Helen

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